Ways to Give

Central Virginia COVID-19 Response Fund

This fund will be managed by the Community Foundation for a Greater Richmond, which provided seed funding of $500,000. The fund provides grants to nonprofits that are focused on immediate needs of people who are most vulnerable at this time. www.cfrichmond.org

If you are not in Richmond, other regional Community Foundations have established similar resources.

Access to Health Care
Our local health providers that care for the medically vulnerable and underserved are especially stressed at this time and will continue to be at risk as the virus continues its course.

Health Brigade (formerly Fan Free Clinic) www.healthbrigade.org

Crossover Health Ministry www.crossoverministry.org

Daily Planet Health Services www.dailyplanetva.org

Food Security
FeedMore is Central Virginia’s hub for collecting, preparing, and distributing food for those in need, which includes the Meals on Wheels program and the Community Kitchen. www.feedmore.org

Assistance for Food Workers 
The Holli Fund, established in honor of long-time food writer Hollister Lindley, provides crisis assistance to local food workers. www.hollifund.org

Give Blood
The American Red Cross is in dire need of healthy people at low risk of virus exposure to give blood at this time. It’s recommended you pre-schedule your appointment, which is easy to do on their website. www.redcrossblood.org


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